Deb Moore | Personal Historian


Presentations & Classes


Possible Topics

I’d be delighted to speak to your group or to teach a class on one of the following topics.
All are customizable.

Saving Lives, One Story at a Time: Memoir Writing

Everyone has a story to tell—have you told yours yet? Join me for inspiration, instruction, writing, sharing and feedback. You’ll be surprised how easy and rewarding it can be to write your personal or family history, one story at a time. This class can be tailored for one to two-hour sessions, lasting four to six weeks.

Write Your Own Life Story

“10 Tips for Writing Your Life Story” will be presented. Through writing tips and examples, participants will gain confidence to record their memories on paper. Examples will serve as inspiration for participants, who will then spend time writing a story of their own from a directed writing prompt. If time, workshop members will share their written memories.

Transform Your Genealogical Research into a Family History Book

When you pass on, who will go through your briefcases and scraps of paper, computer files,  heirloom photographs and  numerous files in search of the family research you’ve spent decades compiling?  This presentation focuses on taking your genealogical research, adding the photos and stories of your ancestors, and compiling all the information into one book that can be shared with family members. Only then can you be assured that your efforts will be passed to future generations.

Cooking Up Good Memories

This workshop explores the many good memories associated with food, family, friends and meals. Participants will be asked to bring three recipes to share. We’ll focus on writing the stories behind the recipes and give tips to increase participants’ writing skills. Attendees will then write vignettes about one of the recipes and the memories it invokes. If time permits, participants will share their stories with the group.

Let Your Photos Tell the Story

What’s worse than a box or drawer full of old, unidentified photographs? This workshop illustrates the pleasures of photo journaling to tell the stories behind the pictures. Participants will be asked to bring three photographs to the session that bring back memories—happy, sad, bittersweet. They will spend time journaling about the photos and sharing their stories.

Last Writes: Breathe Life into Your Obituary

Who’s going to write your obituary? Don’t let this permanent record of your life be left to chance and your grieving family. Now—while you’re healthy and enjoying life—take the time to set down a mini-memoir of your life, one that honors who your are, what you’ve done, and the things that are important to you.

Show & Tell

Show & Tell is an opportunity to bring in an old photograph, a family memento or other personal artifact and tell a short story about it. I will moderate the evening and everyone, young or old, is welcome to become part of the conversation. Participants don’t have to show and tell—they can simply look and listen if they prefer.


deb will be teaching a memoir writing class in fall 2025 at olli at aquinas college. more information will be posted here once dates and times are determined. hope to see you there!

Want me to speak at your event? Please get in touch!